Mobility is a basic human need and is undergoing changes due to alternative drive systems, autonomous driving, and AI-supported traffic management. We analyse these trends.
Mobility is a basic human need and is undergoing changes due to alternative drive systems, autonomous driving, and AI-supported traffic management. We analyse these trends.
The growth in the world’s population living in cities is also pushing the mobility sector into new territory. Cities with the best transportation systems are among the most attractive in the world. At the same time, mobility must be compatible with the environment. Younger generations are not so focused on owning a vehicle and prefer to use mobility as a service. Hardly any other sector has such long investment cycles in conjunction with such rapid change. If this does not represent an investment opportunity, what does? Jürgen Maier and his team present their insights:
Der Verkehrssektor ist mit einem Anteil von ca. 20 % der weltweit drittgrößte Verursacher von CO₂-Emissionen, wobei rund 60 % dieser Emissionen von Personenkraftwagen stammen. Welche Technologien gibt es, um den CO₂-Ausstoß in diesem Bereich zu reduzieren? Welcher Antrieb ist ökologisch und ökonomisch am sinnvollsten und wie unterscheiden sich die Antriebe beim Wirkungsgrad? Ab welcher Kilometerleistung ist ein Elektroauto tatsächlich nachhaltiger als ein Verbrennungsmotor? Mit diesen und weiteren Fragen befassen sich die Expert:innen bei Raiffeisen Capital Management im folgenden Video und geben Antworten zu den wichtigsten Fragen rund um die Elektromobilität.
AI in Mobility
Artificial intelligence (AI) will significantly change mobility in the coming years, from how we get around to how cities and companies manage transport and logistics. AI enables autonomous driving, optimised traffic management in cities, continuous vehicle diagnostics to identify potential problems at an early stage and route optimisation in logistics. What potential risks does this entail? How will these changes – in terms of sustainability and the responsible use of resources – affect our investment decisions? The experts at Raiffeisen Capital Management have taken a closer look at this topic.
Notice: Video translated with AI by HeyGen
The aviation industry is facing major challenges to reduce its CO2 emissions and become more sustainable. With a share of 3.06% of global CO2 emissions, the sector is a major emitter of greenhouse gases.
In order to achieve the ambitious climate targets of CO2-neutral air travel by 2050, the industry is focusing on alternative fuels such as Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and innovative technologies. At the same time, however, the demand for air travel is increasing dramatically due to demographic and economic change. Is air travel therefore justifiable from a sustainability perspective in the future? The experts at Raiffeisen Capital Management explore this question in the video.
Notice: Video translated with AI by HeyGen
Urban Air Mobility
Urban Air Mobility (UAM) stands for the use of highly automated, electric or hybrid-electric aircraft to transport people and goods within urban areas and their surroundings. This innovative transportation solution aims to reduce traffic congestion, shorten travel times and offer new mobility options in densely populated cities. UAM involves a variety of technologies and services and requires new specialized infrastructure in urban areas. The advantages and challenges of UAM concepts that need to be overcome from a sustainability perspective, as well as sensible and sustainable investment opportunities, are the questions that the experts at Raiffeisen Capital Management are addressing.